Only (2019)
62K Drama Genre Romance Chandler Riggs Charles Green Charles Lawlor Freida Pinto Hal Whiteside Heidi Rew Jarrod Beck Jayson Warner Smith Joshua Mikel Kristopher Charles Leslie Odom Jr. Maggie Parto Mark Ashworth Michael Shenefelt Nicholas Anthony Reid Noor Naghmi Olivia De Paux Paul Ryden Richard Hempton Takashi Doscher Tia Hendricks 2019 5.5 English Germany Takashi Doscher
Only: Directed by Takashi Doscher. With Freida Pinto, Leslie Odom Jr., Chandler Riggs, Jayson Warner Smith. After a comet releases a mysterious virus that begins to kill all the women in the world, a young couple hides out in their over-sterilized apartment trying to fight for their lives.
“Great premise but they blew it. Its been done better by better and this was a waste of time. Predictably dull. I hated the female lead but she didnt write it. She does nothing but childlike mistakes while the main man does so much to secure her. Its simple things that others mentioned that show how little things add up to a big heave of….who cares. Better luck next time.”