Fateful Findings (2013)
21K Drama Fantasy Genre Mystery Brianna Borden Danielle Andrade David Miranda David Scott David Silva Gloria Hoffman Jack Batoni Jaime Reborn Jennifer Autry Jesse Mendez John Henry Hoffman JR Thompson Klara Landrat Mark Bettencort Monique Batoni Neil Breen Richard Hunsacker Ryan Collis Steven Nelson Victoria Viveiros 2013 4.6 English Neil Breen United States
Fateful Findings: Directed by Neil Breen. With Neil Breen, Klara Landrat, Jennifer Autry, Victoria Viveiros. A computer-scientist/novelist reunites with his childhood friend, hacks into government databases, and faces the dire and fateful consequences of the mystical actions he obtained as a child.
“Fateful findings provides some truly revolutionary techniques in terms of animation and voice acting. I honestly thought this was live-action at first! Itu0026#39;s director, Adum, is a pure genius. possibly my favorite video game since shrek on the gamecube. Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer.”