Singularity (2017)
16K Action Adventure Drama Genre Carmen Argenziano Daniel Kafka David Chrisman Ego Nwodim Eileen Grubba Elaine Loh Elisa Dvorakova Hrncir Kuba Jakub Horák Jason Marnocha Jeannine Michèle Wacker John Cusack Julian Schaffner Michael Kolar Michelle Michaels Olga Danielova Oliver Czavar Paul American Pavlo Bubryak Philipp Borchhardt Robert Kouba Sebastian Cepeda 2017 4.6 English Robert Kouba United States
Singularity: Directed by Robert Kouba. With Julian Schaffner, John Cusack, Carmen Argenziano, Eileen Grubba. Earth 2020, 3/4 of it’s households have a robot. The AI supercomputer, Kronos, considers humans the biggest threat to Earth. A century later, few humans are left. Calia seeks the last human stronghold as does Kronos.
“Its simply horrible, the acting, the scenery, the plot, the figurine, the light, the edition, even John Cusack get to be bad in this movie. It seems to be just a film test or some school project. So many people involved in this total incoherent movie makes me think on how people trow money away…”