Beta (2017)
62K Adventure Fantasy Genre Romance Adam Fleck Christina Cha Christine Rapsys Cole Smith Curt Clendenin Dylan Ramsey Evan Gamble Fiona Domenica Gigi Perrin Harrison Held Jesse C. Boyd Layton Matthews Mark Peters Polly W. LePorte Sara Laucius Stacey Johnson Tiffany Connor Todd S Bittner Vanessa Viviane Ledesma Vie Le 2017 6 English Layton Matthews United States
Beta: Directed by Layton Matthews. With Evan Gamble, Layton Matthews, Cole Smith, Jesse C. Boyd. A troubled rock star is sentenced to house arrest and given the opportunity to participate in the beta testing of the world’s first fully immersive 3D video game. While doing so he meets a girl who makes him question what it means to be human, and he gets his answer.
“The story is pretty lame and the acting is not much better. Unless youu0026#39;re bored, Iu0026#39;d stay away from this one.”