Sinbad: Beyond the Veil of Mists (2000)
9K Action Adventure Animation Genre Adam Chase Alan Jacobs Alice Amter Arlene Sanford Brendan Fraser Bryan Hanna Clint Carmichael Courteney Cox David Crane David Schwimmer Evan Ricks Harry Zinn James Burrows Jeff Wolverton Jennifer Aniston Jennifer Hale Jillian Fontaine John Rhys-Davies June Gable Kehan Miller Leonard Nimoy Lisa Kudrow Mark Hamill Marta Kauffman Matt LeBlanc Matthew Perry Robert Allen Mukes Sofia Milos 2000 5.7 Arlene Sanford English United States
Sinbad: Beyond the Veil of Mists: Directed by Evan Ricks, Alan Jacobs. With Alice Amter, Clint Carmichael, Brendan Fraser, Jennifer Hale. The sailor is “persuaded” by a Princess to help her rescue her kingdom from something fishy.
“I like the bit where Monica is a bit funny and something funny happens due to her condition”