Beautiful Destroyer (2015)
35K Action Drama Genre Romance Alayeah Joisanne Amin Joseph Andra Fuller Bivas Biswas Blythe Howard Brendon Huor Brian Brummitt Christopher Dorrah Kirk E. Kelleykahn LaNina Thomas Luca Kahn Mickaëlle X. Bizet Numa Perrier Nýa-Jolie Walters Sebastien Taulbee Shelby Schrom Tahiry Jose Tomeka Payne-Walters Tracy Wren Vivienne Powell 2015 6.1 Christopher Dorrah English United States
Beautiful Destroyer: Directed by Christopher Dorrah, Tracy Wren. With Amin Joseph, Andra Fuller, Blythe Howard, Numa Perrier. Leigh, an eccentric young woman, witnesses her mother murdered by the woman who would raise her. She grows up to be a ruthless assassin and fights with hiding her real life reality from the love of her life.