Beauty (2011)
58K Drama Genre Albert Maritz Andre Knoesen Charlie Keegan Deon Lotz Didier Costet Drikus Volschenk Elsie Potgieter Jan Hendrik Opperman Jeroen Kranenburg Leon Kruger Marion Holm Marius Raubenheimer Mart Kotze Michelle Scott Morné Visser Oliver Hermanus Raymond Bassett Robin Smith Roeline Daneel Shaun Rossouw Sue Diepeveen Tinarie van Wyk Loots 2011 6.9 Afrikaans Germany Oliver Hermanus
Beauty: Directed by Oliver Hermanus. With Deon Lotz, Charlie Keegan, Michelle Scott, Albert Maritz. Portrait of a closeted gay husband/father living a life of quiet middle-aged desperation who becomes fixated on a friend’s handsome collegiate son, leading to an incident.
“Aside from the gratuitous and intrinsic ugliness of this film, I found the ending terribly disappointing and unfulfilling”