Digimon Adventure Tri. 3: Geständnis (2016)
52K Action Adventure Animation Genre Akiyoshi Hongo Anna Garduno Cherami Leigh Dorothy Elias-Fahn Doug Erholtz Hiroaki Hirata John Eric Bentley Johnny Yong Bosch Junya Enoki Junya Ikeda Kate Higgins Keitarô Motonaga Kyle Hebert Mao Ichimichi Miho Arakawa Natsuki Hanae R. Martin Klein Robbie Daymond Tom Fahn Yoshimasa Hosoya Yûko Kaida Yutaka Aoyama 32016 7.5 Germany Japanese Keitarô Motonaga
Digimon Adventure Tri. 3: Geständnis: Directed by Keitarô Motonaga. With Yutaka Aoyama, Miho Arakawa, John Eric Bentley, Johnny Yong Bosch. After seeing Meicoomon’s abrupt transformation and killing of Leomon, Agumon and the other Digimon are kept isolated in Koushiro’s office in order to prevent them from infection, but signs of infection begin to appear in Patamon.
“After the first two films in the series, this one finally picks up and goes somewhere with the story. It has developments with Meicoomon and new revelations that threaten all the characters. Itu0026#39;s still not great though. Some of the characters are too mopey.”