The Angel of Auschwitz (2019)
61K Drama Genre Thriller War Bobbie Freeman Bradley Coker Charlotte Dack Chloe Collins Clare Duggins Grace Blackman Hayley-Marie Axe Ian Burfield Isabel Collins Louis McKell Michael McKell Noeleen Comiskey Oliver Likeman Patrick Silke Paul Joseph Bonnici Pyper Clark Richard Duggins Sharon Lawrence Sidney Livingstone Steven Bush Terry Lee Coker Vinny Freeman 2019 5.1 Brazil English Terry Lee Coker
The Angel of Auschwitz: Directed by Terry Lee Coker. With Noeleen Comiskey, Steven Bush, Hayley-Marie Axe, Grace Blackman. This is a tale of how the angel of life was confronted by the angel of death. Set in Auschwitz Birkenau, 1944.
“I have to agree with earlier reviewer who said it is like a bad school play. Certainly actor who played Mengele cannot act.”