The Circle (2017)
53K Drama Genre Horror Thriller Ben Hatchett Colin Burnicle Edward Baker-Duly Emily Yarrow Eva-Marie Kung Ewen Baker Griffin Stevens Jeremy Spriggs Lexie Grabowska Peter Callow Ross Noble Scott O'Neill Sesselia Olafs Sian Thompson Stacey Belbin Steve Grihault Tom Jenkins 2017 5.6 English Peter Callow United Kingdom
The Circle: Directed by Peter Callow. With Edward Baker-Duly, Sesselia Olafs, Griffin Stevens, Eva-Marie Kung. A University professor takes four archaeology students on a field trip to a remote Scottish island. With tensions already present in the group, they unearth clues to an ancient mystery that will threaten their lives.
“Despite the small budget of the film (which is noticeable), done well! The acting is good and does not cause rejection.”