Stud Life (2012)
32K Drama Genre Romance Adrian McLoughlin Campbell Ex Christos Liberos Dean Atta Deni Francis Doña Croll Julie McNamara Kathleen Bryson Kyle Treslove Manfredi Gelmetti Mizz. Kimberley Naechane Romeo Nicholas Gasson Rez Kempton Robyn Kerr Shaun Stone Simon Savory Sophie Ottley T'Nia Miller Theo Ogundipe Victor Akintunde 2012 7.4 Campbell Ex English Germany
Stud Life: Directed by Campbell Ex. With T’Nia Miller, Kyle Treslove, Robyn Kerr, Simon Savory. JJ is a ‘Stud’ Lesbian. Together with her best friend Seb, a gay pretty boy, they work as wedding photographers. When JJ falls in love with a beautiful diva, JJ and Seb’s friendship is tested. JJ is forced to chose between her hot new lover and her best friend.