Blade of the Immortal (2017)
16K Action Drama Fantasy Genre Chiaki Kuriyama Chikara Motoyama Chisun Ebizô Ichikawa Erika Toda Hana Sugisaki Hayato Ichihara Hiroaki Samura Kazuki Kitamura Ken Kaneko Masayuki Deai Min Tanaka Seizô Fukumoto Shinnosuke Mitsushima Sôta Fukushi Takashi Kitadai Takashi Miike Takuma Hiraoka Takuya Kimura Tetsuya Oishi Tsutomu Yamazaki Yôko Yamamoto Yoshiyuki Yamaguchi 2017 7.6 Japan Japanese Takashi Miike
Blade of the Immortal: Directed by Takashi Miike. With Takuya Kimura, Hana Sugisaki, Sôta Fukushi, Hayato Ichihara. Cursed with a life of immortality, a samurai is tasked by a young girl to help avenge the death of her father. Based on the manga series by Hiroaki Samura.
“I probably liked it more than I should have because Iu0026#39;ve always been a huge fan of the manga. This is definitely one of the best Live Action adaptation of a manga. But itu0026#39;s mostly a lot of fight, fight, fight, cut, cut, cut, blood, blood, blood and thatu0026#39;s not for everyone.”