Call Me King (2017)
62K Action Crime Drama Genre Alimi Ballard Amin Joseph Anthony M. Bertram Bai Ling Bill Cobbs Chris Mulkey Del Zamora Gabrielle Dennis Iyad Hajjaj John Campbell-Mac John Caraccioli Jonathan 'Lil J' McDaniel Lester Speight Luke Barnett Maurice Whitfield Monyque Thompson Scott R.L. Scott Robert Miano Sean Riggs Shaun Mixon T.J. Hoban 2017 5.3 English R.L. Scott United States
Call Me King: Directed by R.L. Scott. With Amin Joseph, Bai Ling, Chris Mulkey, Bill Cobbs. In the international world of gun running… loyalty, honor and discretion are valuable commodities, but nothing is more priceless than the bond of family. Power begets enemies and a loved ones betrayal cuts like a knife. Sides will be chosen, wars will be fought. In the end, there can only be one King.
“Nice Dark Comedy Crime Drama, plot from u0026quot;The gladiatoru0026quot; here…. Kind of”