Dark Journey (1937)
23K Adventure Genre Romance Thriller Anthony Bushell Arthur Wimperis Austin Trevor Cecil Parker Charles Carson Conrad Veidt Edmund Willard Eliot Makeham Henry Oscar Joan Gardner Laidman Browne Lajos Biró Lawrence Hanray Margery Pickard Percy Walsh Philip Ray Reginald Tate Robert Newton Sam Livesey Ursula Jeans Victor Saville Vivien Leigh William Dewhurst 1937 7 English United Kingdom Victor Saville
Dark Journey: Directed by Victor Saville. With Conrad Veidt, Vivien Leigh, Joan Gardner, Anthony Bushell. During World War I, a German spy and a French spy meet and fall in love.
“Vivien Leigh is beautiful and effective in her role as a spy masquerading as a Parisian dressmaker. There is requisite tension and passion in this thriller loosely-based on the real-life affair of couturiere Madeleine Cheruit and a high-ranking German officer during World War I. Another version of the story of the famous designer and her military lover is told in The Proprietor (1996)starring Jeanne Moreau.”