Horrid Henry's Gross Day Out (2020)
52K Action Adventure Animation Genre Aimee Carrero Armani Jackson Bex Taylor-Klaus Breck Eisner Burk Sharpless Cory Goodman David Whalen Dawn Olivieri Elijah Wood Emma Tate Gary Andrews Inbar Lavi Isaach De Bankolé Jack Erdie Joe Gilgun Julie Engelbrecht Lizzie Waterworth Lotte Verbeek Lucinda Whiteley Matt Sazama Michael Caine Michael Halsey Ólafur Darri Ólafsson Rena Owen Rose Leslie Sloane Coombs Sue Elliott-Nichols Tamsin Heatley Toussaint Raphael Abessolo Vin Diesel 8 English Gary Andrews Singapore
Horrid Henry’s Gross Day Out: Directed by Gary Andrews. With Sue Elliott-Nichols, Tamsin Heatley, Emma Tate, Lizzie Waterworth. Henry isn’t well and goes out.
“The TV show was hilarious. They shouldnu0026#39;t have made a film based on this burp, snot plot. It is funny once or twice but nothing special. I was really excited when I saw this movieu0026#39;s poster on Netflix coming soon section. They shouldu0026#39;ve added more real-life characters and by the way the Hindi dub is way better than the original.”