Reversal (2020)
27K Drama Genre Aaron Groben Adriane McLean Alex Zinzopoulos Anthony W. Preston Ben Stobber Betty Nguyen Bradford Haynes Brittney M. Caldwell Bruce Penton Chuck Prater Delgado D-Loe Lopez Gini Graham Scott Gus Langley Jack M.F. Skyyler Joe Palubinsky Kaye L. Morris Kenneth Elston Peter Anderson Rusty Meyers Sabrina Cofield Sarah Nicklin Stu Chaiken Sylvester Pribil Xavier Avila 2020 5.6 English Jack M.F. Skyyler United States
Reversal: Directed by Jack M.F. Skyyler, Alex Zinzopoulos. With Kaye L. Morris, Xavier Avila, Anthony W. Preston, Bradford Haynes. A social-drama set in an alternate time-line where Caucasians are the racially oppressed minority, Reversal follows the romance of two high-school students: Sammy and Ella, one from a rich African-American family, and the other from poor white trash. Both Sammy and Ella overcome prejudice and bullying from the dysfunctional families and environments and bring with them a little bit of change.