Unter Verdacht (1944)
24K Drama Genre Thriller Arthur T. Horman Bertram Millhauser Charles Laughton Clifford Brooke Dean Harens Ella Raines Ernie Adams Eve Amber Eve Ashley Frank Dawson Henry Daniell James Ronald Jimmy Aubrey John Berkes Lillian Bronson Maude Eburne Molly Lamont Nina Campana Raymond Severn Robert Siodmak Rosalind Ivan Stanley Ridges Tommy Cook Walter Bacon 1944 7.2 English Robert Siodmak West Germany
Unter Verdacht: Directed by Robert Siodmak. With Charles Laughton, Ella Raines, Dean Harens, Stanley Ridges. An unhappily married man begins a flirtation with a younger woman. When his wife threatens to ruin her, he decides to take action.
“Iu0026#39;m converted to the YouTube cause. If it wasnu0026#39;t for YouTube I may never had seen this jewel, with a performance by the extraordinary Charles Laughton that is nothing short of magnificent. The tenderness of the man! Director Robert Siodmak creates a perfect noir without low blows or gimmicks. Ella Raines is lovely as the object of his affection and Rosalind Ivan is priceless as the awful wife. The last shot is pure Laughton and his personal struggle for integrity. Loved it.”