Chained for Life (2018)
38K Drama Genre Aaron Schimberg Adam Pearson Avi Glickstein Charlie Korsmo Colin Kane Healey Cosmo Bjorkenheim Daniel Gilchrist Daniel Patrick Carbone Jess Weixler Joanna Arnow Joaquina Kalukango Jon Dieringer Lauren Brown Lucy Kaminsky Miranda Gruss Rayvin Disla Rebecca Gruss Sari Lennick Stephen Plunkett Will Blomker William Huntley 2018 6 Aaron Schimberg English United States
Chained for Life: Directed by Aaron Schimberg. With Jess Weixler, Adam Pearson, Stephen Plunkett, Charlie Korsmo. A beautiful actress struggles to connect with her disfigured co-star on the set of a European auteur’s English-language debut.
“One review had remarked on the movie being a puzzler about many layers of frames competing. I think the meta-cleverness of the movie being within layers upon layers makes it hard to watch, but that it also resonates long after in the same way Memento does. You have to really think about how it all fits together and what it is saying.”