SARS-29 (2020)
62K Drama Genre Adam Holley Bella Shaw Brett Azar Cela Scott Crystal J. Huang Crystal L. Jordan Daniel Kreizberg Daniela Nyffenegger James Copplestone Farmer Joerg Kohring Jolie Curtsinger Jonathan Fishman Kelly Grant Kenton Hoover Linda Cushma Liz Chuday Mark Holden Mary Beth Morrison Michael Szymczyk Sara Quiriconi Sean Mount The Existentialist 292020 3.1 English The Existentialist United States
SARS-29: Directed by The Existentialist. With Adam Holley, Sara Quiriconi, Bella Shaw, Brett Azar. Set in the year 2029 after a decade long pandemic kills over four billion people worldwide, SARS-29 is a fictional documentary that explores how the world has changed through the stories of thirty survivors.
“I was curious to see what is was, given the title. It was interesting how the story presented the possible individual experiences should the virus continue to have a huge impact on society.”