Terror Birds (2016)
32K Action Adventure Comedy Genre Beau Harris Carlton Caudle Clint McCreery Craig Nigh David Lee Hess Dillon Cavitt Evan Miller Greg Evigan Heath Allyn Jake Helgren Jessica Lee Keller Leslie Easterbrook Lindsey Sporrer Mark Hanson Sam Stinson Sarah Joy Byington Sean Cain Spencer Greenwood 2016 3.3 Sean Cain United States
Terror Birds: Directed by Sean Cain. With Jessica Lee Keller, Lindsey Sporrer, Greg Evigan, Leslie Easterbrook. When Maddy Stern discovers her father has gone missing during a routine birdwatching excursion, she and her college pals trek out into the wilderness to find him, only to end up in a wealthy scientist’s desolate ranch aviary, where they encounter a pair of giant, hungry terror birds believed to be extinct for centuries.
“Very cheesy, with a fair amount of Gore. If thatu0026#39;s what youu0026#39;re looking for this is for you. Personally sorry to see Greg Evigan Reduced to having to do this kind of thing for a paycheck. But itu0026#39;s a gig right ?”