Mutant Swinger from Mars (Video 2009)
5K Comedy Family Fantasy Genre Alicia Bewernitz Biff Anderson Charleton Hen-ston Dorothy Atabong George Lieber James Korloch Kevin M. James Laura Kull Mark T. Elliott Matt Cantu Michael East Michael Kallio Pete LaDuke Rhonda Belcher Richard Jewell Rolfe D. Bergsman Scott Dixon Stephanie Cotton Stuart MacDonald The Brain 2009 5.5 Michael Kallio United States
Mutant Swinger from Mars: Directed by Michael Kallio. With Biff Anderson, Dorothy Atabong, Rhonda Belcher, Rolfe D. Bergsman. A “long lost sci-fi film” from the 50’s, finally, has been recovered! Martians form Mars come to Earth for it’s most valuable resource,.. women! It’s up to Rusty Rave to stop them.
“I enjoy this crap no clue why but I do but others do this better. It captured the cheese very well but might have camped it up a tad to much. And while the representation of minorities in television and film is important the fact that a character that has no name and only says dancer pushing her to second billing to show inclusion incredibly transparent and only serves to highlight the problem in the worst way possible.”