Genocidal Organ (2017)
22K Animation Genre Aaron Dismuke Anthony Bowling Charles C. Campbell Clifford Chapin Dave Trosko David Wald Ian Sinclair Jeannie Tirado Joel McDonald John Swasey Josh Grelle Kent Williams Kyle Phillips Linda Leonard Lydia Mackay Mark Stoddard Phil Parsons Project Itoh Ray Hurd Shûkô Murase Sonny Strait Tyson Rinehart 2017 6 Germany Japanese Shûkô Murase
Genocidal Organ: Directed by Shûkô Murase. With Josh Grelle, Ian Sinclair, Clifford Chapin, Joel McDonald. Set in a time when Sarajevo was obliterated by a homemade nuclear device, the story reflects a world inundated with genocide. An American man by the name of John Paul seems to be responsible for all of this and intelligence agent Clavis Shepherd treks across the wasteland of the world to find him and the eponymous “genocidal organ.”
“Beautiful animation, good plot, nice characters, but a lack of pace, especially in the second half. I wish the movie was 20mn shorter.”