Family Pictures (TV Movie 2019)
56K Drama Genre Allison Riley Bailee Reid Chris Cope Courtney Richter Daniel Diemer Elisabeth Röhm Georgia Bradner Grayson Maxwell Gurnsey Ilene Rosenzweig Jackie Blackmore James Pizzinato Jane Green Jason Burkart Justina Machado Kayla Deorksen Larissa Dias Manu Boyer Matt Passmore Morgana Wyllie Natalie Sharp 2019 6.2 English Manu Boyer United States
Family Pictures: Directed by Manu Boyer. With Justina Machado, Elisabeth Röhm, Matt Passmore, Jackie Blackmore. A low-income, recovering alcoholic hippie mom, and a wealthy, prissy socialite, become unlikely friends after they discover that they both share the same husband, who’s also left them bankrupt.
“Surprisingly good…not a typical lifetime movie. Really enjoyed it”