Adolf Island (TV Movie 2019)

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Adolf Island (TV Movie 2019). 51m | TV-PG

“While this potentially highlights some lesser known parts of history, at itu0026#39;s heart it is a failed documentary trying to add speculative additions to history based sketchy and unverified u0026#39;evidenceu0026#39;.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eNow admitedly it would seem the point of the u0026#39;documentaryu0026#39; was to try to investigate some of that speculation and u0026#39;evidenceu0026#39; but they were denied the ability to dig up areas they wanted to investigate but they had obviously been contracted to make a documentary so they had to release something.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eWhat makes me suspicious is not the fact they were denied permission to dig by the authorities u0026#39;who are trying to hide somethingu0026#39; especially as the island was totally evacuated by the British so the islanders have no part in anything that happened during that time period but the fact the presenter never mentions why they were denied permission then tries to make out that it was because the island was being obstructive or hiding something.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eI suspect the reason they were denied permission was because their case was extremely poor and tbh if I was in a position to decide if they should be given permission to dig up the island, from the u0026#39;evidenceu0026#39; provided and the fact the island had already been looked over with a fine tooth comb while investigating war crimes i would have said no also.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eUsually you are given permission to dig in cases like this when you find new evidence. I saw no new evidence presented, only old evidence with new speculations attached, trying to make the evidence fit the story rather than the story fit the evidence.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eSadly if they had just concentrated on telling the already (but not widely) known story rather than trying to make up a new one it could have been an interesting documentary.”


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