Curse of the Seven Oceans (2024)

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Curse of the Seven Oceans (2024). 1h 34m

“Is this supposed to be Mightinu0026#39; Morphin Power Rangers? Because if it is, then itu0026#39;s a disgrace to everything the franchise ever stood for. From the moment this mess started, I knew I was in for a disaster, but I never expected it to be this painful to watch. Every single aspect of this production is laughably bad-no, scratch that-itu0026#39;s downright insulting.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eLetu0026#39;s start with the so-called monster. Was this designed to terrify ants? Because thatu0026#39;s the only living thing I can imagine being scared by it. The CGI is so atrociously bad that it looks like something ripped straight from a low-budget 90s video game, except even those had more charm than whatever abomination they threw onto the screen. The costume design (if you can even call it that) looks like it was put together using scraps from a dumpster, and the way it moves? Completely unnatural, uninspired, and lacking any real sense of danger. If I had to compare it to anything, Iu0026#39;d say it resembles a half-deflated Halloween decoration that someone forgot to throw away. How are we supposed to take this seriously? How are we supposed to feel any sense of tension when the so-called big bad looks like it belongs in a school play?u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eBut oh, it gets worse. Letu0026#39;s talk about the actors-if you can even call them that. I genuinely donu0026#39;t know where they found these people, but they certainly werenu0026#39;t hired for their talent. Their performances are so wooden, so lifeless, that they might as well be reading their lines off a cue card five feet away. Thereu0026#39;s no emotional depth, no chemistry, and certainly no reason to care about any of them. Watching them try to deliver heartfelt lines is like watching a fish attempt to ride a bicycle-awkward, pointless, and painful to witness.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eAnd donu0026#39;t even get me started on the so-called emotional connections. What emotional connections? There is absolutely nothing here that makes you feel anything for these characters. They could disappear halfway through the story, and I wouldnu0026#39;t bat an eye. The writing is so hollow, the interactions so forced, and the dialogue so painfully generic that it feels like an AI generated it after being fed a thousand bad scripts. Nothing about these relationships feels earned, nothing about these characters makes you want to root for them, and at the end of the day, youu0026#39;re left wondering why you even wasted your time on them in the first place.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eNow, you might think that with such poor acting and an embarrassing monster, at least the action might be somewhat entertaining, right? Wrong. The fight choreography is as uninspired as the rest of this disaster. The movements are sluggish, the punches lack impact, and the effects make everything feel cheap. Itu0026#39;s as if they didnu0026#39;t even try to make the fights exciting. Whatu0026#39;s the point of having an action-packed show if the action itself is barely watchable? Every single fight scene drags on with no energy, no excitement, and absolutely no tension. Iu0026#39;ve seen more thrilling fights between toddlers arguing over a toy.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eThen thereu0026#39;s the pacing. This thing drags on forever, and for what? Nothing. Thereu0026#39;s no payoff, no engaging storyline, no reason to care about anything happening on screen. Every scene overstays its welcome, and just when you think things canu0026#39;t possibly get worse, they somehow do. Itu0026#39;s like the writers actively wanted to bore the audience into submission.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eAnd letu0026#39;s talk about the production value. Whoever was responsible for the budget needs to explain where all the money went because it certainly didnu0026#39;t go into making this look remotely decent. Everything looks cheap, from the sets to the props to the special effects. Iu0026#39;ve seen fan-made YouTube videos with better quality than this, and those were probably made with pocket change. This is supposed to be a professionally made show, and yet it looks like something put together by amateurs who had no idea what they were doing.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eAt this point, I have to ask: who was this even made for? Fans of Power Rangers? No chance. Even the worst seasons of the franchise have more heart and effort than whatever this is. Newcomers? Theyu0026#39;ll take one look at this and never want to watch anything related to Power Rangers ever again. This is a complete failure on every possible level.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eI cannot stress this enough: DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME ON THIS. It is not worth a single second of your attention. There are countless better things to watch, and I guarantee that anything else-even staring at a blank wall for an hour-will be a more enjoyable experience. This is not entertainment; this is an insult to the audienceu0026#39;s intelligence and patience.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eFinal Verdict: 0/10. Not recommended. Not worth your time. Watch something else.”


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