Candidatul perfect (2024)
49KCandidatul perfect (2024). Candidatul perfect: Directed by Alex Cotet. With Nicu Banea, Ipate Grama Catalina, Matei Dima, Daniel Achim. Costica, an aimless man, runs for president inadvertently backed by a corrupt party planning to lose and continue embezzling funds, all while he naively seeks to secure his neighbor's parking spot.
“It is a well thought mokery of the political system of România (although it can be extrapolated to many other countries). Having it released during the middle of elections across Europe it is a strike of genius. Well worth the time if you wish to enjoy a good comedy, many smart jokes and dome very charming characters with a rather good story. Go watch it if youu0026#39;re looking for a more modern and up to date take on what the romanian cinematography and comedy means and to have a better overview of what politics mean nowadays. Despite its effort some jokes still fall flat as they are rather subtle and nuanced.”