Bigfoot the Movie (2015)

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Bigfoot the Movie (2015). 1h 36m | Not Rated

“Bigfoot the movie is one of the best Bigfoot related films Iu0026#39;ve seen. (Which is saying a lot). Creator John R Hand took a tired formula and managed to an make entertaining film, largely due to the clever writing and subtle comedy style. The sound and visual quality was top notch, especially for an indie film and the score was perfectly selected for each scene. The characters were fun to watch and served as the filmu0026#39;s greatest strength. Having a cast of unsophisticated red necks could have easily led to nothing more than a frenzy of tired clichés. However, Bigfoot: The Movie took the high ground and made the majority of jokes premise driven, elevating them above cheap gags. However, being a comedy about Bigfoot fighting rednecks the film was not entirely above cheap gags and toilet humor. These jokes were overall funny as well due to comedic timing and the fact that no single joke was drawn out longer than necessary. I mean, if I were face to face with Sasquatch, Iu0026#39;d probably need a few drinks to get through the ordeal as well. Anyone who lives or has lived around Western Pennsylvania will appreciate regional jokes and Pittsburgh slang present throughout the film, adding an extra layer of charm. The only noticeable flaw from this film is itu0026#39;s unfortunate habit of dragging in places, which occasionally slows down the otherwise steady pacing. This is particularly prevalent regarding the romance and drama between characters. These moments donu0026#39;t seem to added much to the plot, nor do they develop the characters in any meaningful way. However, these moments are few and far between concerning the film as a whole. It would be wrong not to credit this film for using a Bigfoot costume that actually didnu0026#39;t look like a cheap planet of the apes knock off. Overall, Bigfoot the movie is clever comedy thatu0026#39;s guaranteed to satisfy both long time Bigfoot fans, as well as anyone looking for an excuse to drink.”


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