The 4th (2016)
5K Comedy Genre Al Burke Andre Hyland Andrew Rollins DeWitt Anna Lee Lawson Ben Ceccarelli Byron Bowers Drew Droege Eliza Coupe Erick Chavarria Fred Anderson Jeff Carpenter John Ennis Johnny Pemberton Matt Peters Matty Cardarople Nathan Barnatt Paul Erling Oyen Sharon Alagna Shaun Parker Yasmine Kittles 42016 6 Andre Hyland English Germany
The 4th: Directed by Andre Hyland. With Andre Hyland, Anna Lee Lawson, Yasmine Kittles, Jeff Carpenter. A roommate’s attempt to host a holiday barbecue goes awry.
“The lack of making it look like u0026quot;a real movieu0026quot; is what makes it awesome. its so funny. and the randomness is the best part, i kinda feel bad for the character through his journey lol”