Marx Reloaded (TV Movie 2011)
12KMarx Reloaded (TV Movie 2011). 52m | Not Rated
“The first thing to say is that the version of the film that I saw was dubbed into German, which is not a good idea I think, especially in a documentary like this one where there are no actors (apart from in the cartoon sequences, of course!) and itu0026#39;s arguably better to hear what the people are saying in their own words. But then this is the only negative thing I have to say. Even the bizarre spectacle of watching Slavoj Zizek voiced by a German actor couldnu0026#39;t distract me from the energy and imagination of the direction. I think Iu0026#39;m right in saying that this is Jason Barkeru0026#39;s first film, but it feels like a really accomplished work from a more experienced film-maker. He leads us through difficult concepts from Marxu0026#39;s philosophy without patronizing us, as a journalist might, but also without overdoing the philosophy and making things more complicated than they need to be. There are also a lot of comic moments, involving a great encounter between between Marx and Zizek that had me laughing out loud. Canu0026#39;t rate this film highly enough. Bravo.”