Zô no senaka (2007)
35K Drama Genre Akira Shirai Haruka Igawa Ittoku Kishibe Katsumi Takahashi Ken'ichi Takitô Kôji Yakusho Mantarô Koichi Masatô Ibu Miki Imai Nao Minamisawa Satomi Tezuka Satoshi Isaka Satsuo Endô Sayaka Kuon Shun Shioya Takashi Sasano Tôru Masuoka Tsugumi Shinohara Yasushi Akimoto 2007 6.5 Japan Japanese Satoshi Isaka
Zô no senaka: Directed by Satoshi Isaka. With Kôji Yakusho, Miki Imai, Masatô Ibu, Haruka Igawa. A 48-year-old company chief, Yukihiro Fujiyama (Koji Yakusho) goes to a hospital. There he discovered that he has got terminal lung cancer and will die within half a year. He declines any treatment and decides to go to see some people he has not met for years, to write farewell letters to his family, relatives and friends…