Hillary: The Movie (2008)
20KHillary: The Movie (2008). 1h 30m | Not Rated
“This movie was very accurate and every American needs to see it before voting for Hillary Clinton who in my opinion is clearly an opportunistic woman out for herself as well as a narcissist and a bit of a hedonist. This movie gives proof of how Hillary is fake and manipulative. You can understand why I cringed when I saw her on SNL the other night. It was difficult to watch her in her uncomfortableness. She was very robotic compared to her sometimes excessively enthusiastic speeches which should alert voters of her inconsistent range of behavior changing depending on time place, topic or audience. Itu0026#39;s AMAZING! It goes from mild to charismatic. At the end of the day it was all dishonest, manipulative and not what we as Americans want or need in the President of the US of America. She is phony and cannot be believed.I think she is believing her own lies to the point of becoming dangerous as Commander in Chief.u0026quot; Hillary sees herself as entitled to be in charge, and above the law, she is comfortable with changing her story or not answering questions at all to fit her end goals especially if she thinks it will appeal to voters. I knew more about the younger Hillary which this movie talks about and the younger Hill definitely matches up with the Hillary of today–she is ruthless which makes her too dangerous to have in the White House,u0026quot;”