Sam Kinison Banned (Video 1990)

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Sam Kinison Banned (Video 1990). 55m

“the first half of the tape is devoted to a guest comic, Carl Del Bova who mercilessly and witlessly trashes gays, women, and fat people. He doesnu0026#39;t get many laughs either. after that is the first of a series of kinison music videos featuring glam rock celebrities such as Jon Bon Jovi, Slash, Ozzy Osbourne, Bily Idol and a host of others, in addition to bikini clad babes shaking their groove thing for the camera. kinison pretends to play the guitar and postures as if this was the his crowd and he there leader, but the energy falls off first the first vid (u0026quot;wild Thingu0026quot;)is even completed and the subsequent ones (Mountainu0026#39;s u0026quot;Mississippi Queenu0026quot; and the Stonesu0026#39; u0026quot;Under My Thumbu0026quot;) only produce cringes. When we finally get to kinison two thirds of his actual show is not even comedy routines at all but set pieces substituting spectacle for inventiveness: a drunkern kinison-clad MS victim trashes Jerry Lewis, Kinison calls an audience memberu0026#39;s ex-girlfriend and screams obscenities at the girlu0026#39;s roommate, and a herd of comic has-beens are trotted out to extoll Kinisonu0026#39;s u0026quot;genius.u0026quot; The two actual routines (one on trying to buy booze at 5am and one on sex with amyl nitrate) arenu0026#39;t that bad (hence my vote of 3 instead of 1)but the overall feeling on the tape is that kinison didnu0026#39;t have an actual houru0026#39;s worth of material and stuffs the show with filler, slightly lames filler at that. they say that kinisonu0026#39;s quality went down the longer he was on drugs and the more famous he got. i would like to see a vid of his earlier material because by the time of u0026quot;Bannedu0026quot; he is obviously totally wasted here, as is the crowd of adoring fans. Which, by the way, is how i felt about my rental money: totally wasted.”


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