The Cosmic Hoax: An Expose (2021)
27KThe Cosmic Hoax: An Expose (2021). 1h 22m
“This film is one of the most comprehensive UFO documentaries ever put to film. Doctor Grier goes over the past 100 years of the UFO phenomenon carefully picking the most important dates in euphology and explaining them so that. Even the most innocent and hardened euphologist will gain great knowledge from listening to this. All work together doctor Grier goes over basically the last century due to the technology gained from these beings which has been hit by the United States government this. Technology could propel humankind to being a type one civilization. Basically ending all energy needs and propelling us further into a age of great Enlightenment. This is one of doctor Grayu0026#39;s best documentaries in highlights some of the best UFO cases over the past 1 hundrthey also talk about how. The identify aircraft from this. I highly recommend this to those just getting into the topic and even the most hardened euphologists. I give this film 9 out of 10 stars a must see thank you.”