The Last Border: Viimeisellä rajalla (1993)
40K Alexandra Deman Andrew Krasne Arvid Dahl Clas-Ove Bruun Esko Salminen Fanny Bastien Jochen Nickel Jolyon Baker Juice Leskinen Jürgen Prochnow Jussi Lampi Kari Väänänen Marko Äijö Mato Valtonen Matti Pellonpää MC Overkill Mika Kaurismäki Pia Tikka Ravil Salah Soli Labbart Tixa Juka 1993 4.5 English Finland
The Last Border: Viimeisellä rajalla (1993). 1h 45m
“Looking at the cover of my DVD I expected this movie to be a cheap Mad Max rip-off, I was partly right. It was similar in a lot of ways, but in lot a bit different.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eI did get the cheap part right though. If IMDb trivia is to be believed than this movie lost a lot of its budget and it was quite evident in the quality of the movie. The movie had potential, it just needed that backing to help it reach it.”