Voodoo Virus (2021)

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Voodoo Virus (2021). Voodoo Virus: Directed by John Sirabella. With Regine Mont-Louis, Matthew Streeter, Harry L. Seddon, Ariel Bellvalaire. Two people searching for their missing friends and stumble across a Voodoo witch. She has the ability to bring the dead back to life using magic. The missing friends are found to be turned into flesh eating zombies that terrorize all who enter the swamp.

“I still donu0026#39;t know what the point of this movie was. Mama Dominique has a church, and this u0026quot;zombie powderu0026quot; … where she transforms … one guy? Supposedly sheu0026#39;s creating this army of zombie punk rockers, most of which seem perfectly lucid. They couldnu0026#39;t even afford enough punk rock outfits. One u0026quot;punku0026quot; shows up in a sweater(!), and is promptly disposed of.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eSo enter a guy and a woman (whose identity is up in the air, depending what you read. Itu0026#39;s not specifically revealed in the movie), who are looking for some kid who got caught up in the church (Iu0026#39;ll give you one guess who). He croaks, and I suppose the rest of the running time is devoted to killing Mama.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eYikes was this dull and bad. Ok, Iu0026#39;ll give you one thing: Sammie looked kind of badass when she transformed. Eh, not even worth the extra star. Speaking of which, why did the couple (of detectives?!) put so much trust in Sammie? I donu0026#39;t know how many times she turns on them.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eLetu0026#39;s see, the acting was so universally bad it was a distraction, loads of bad CGI, those sets had to be cardboard, with countless identical hallways, horrible soundtrack (actually quite inappropriate in places), worst of all, dull and pointless. Best part: Sammie summons an undead army from a morgue to fight Mamau0026#39;s punk rock army. I couldnu0026#39;t tell who was fighting who! The u0026quot;undeadu0026quot; were regular people in street clothes. Hilarious!u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eOk, no budget. So thatu0026#39;s when you get creative, and, I donu0026#39;t know, have an intriguing premise?u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eStay tuned for the coda after the credits. Mamau0026#39;s dubbed voice sounds like Gilbert Gottfried!u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eI apologize up front for any inaccuracies. Man, it was a struggle to stay awake and interested.”


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