Willkommen im Wunder Park (2019)
55K Adventure Animation Comedy Genre André Nemec Brianna Denski Dylan Brown Jennifer Garner John Oliver Josh Appelbaum Kate McGregor-Stewart Kath Soucie Ken Hudson Campbell Ken Jeong Kenan Thompson Kevin Chamberlin Matthew Broderick Mila Kunis Norbert Leo Butz Oev Michael Urbas Robert Gordon Sofia Mali Tom Baker 2019 5 Dylan Brown English Germany
Willkommen im Wunder Park: Directed by Dylan Brown. With Sofia Mali, Jennifer Garner, Ken Hudson Campbell, Kenan Thompson. Wonder Park tells the story of an amusement park where the imagination of a wildly creative girl named June comes alive.
“Itu0026#39;s has been an entertaining experience for myself, every time I take my children to see a kids movie. I too laugh and am entertained by kids movies, Iu0026#39;m a child at heart. In this case, I fell asleep 3 or 4 times. This is not a movie for big kids like myself, but my children seemed to enjoy it. I rated it a five, for myself but my 5 yr old rated it 100. This movie is not for us big kids.”