Vendetta: No Conscience, No Mercy (2004)

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Vendetta: No Conscience, No Mercy (2004). 1h 52m | R

“I walked out of the theater after viewing Irish Eyes with a profound sense of awe. I had witnessed a story as old as the bible (Cain and Able) told in such a dramatic new fashion that I felt as if I had never heard it before. This movie has an epic feel. The relationship between the brothers is the essence of the film. The often times difficult relationship brothers have is certainly more complicated when your professional lives are in conflict, as one bother is a US attorney charged with bring down organized crime figures (the good brother, Able) and the other is the head of the Irish Mob(the bad brother, Cain.) The city of Boston is as much a character in this film as the state troopers, and the city is a reflection of the brothers. The pictures on the screen project a city with youth and vigor as the brothers begin to grow up, and it turns darker and more dangerous, as the brothers age and grow more cynical and deadly. Truly the climax takes place when Tom, the good brother, delivers his speech at the end of the movie. Watching that scene you believe that his very own real life brother is the head of the Irish Mob. If you liked Public Enemy or State of Grace, then youu0026#39;ll love Irish Eyes.”


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