Dice Rules (1991)

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Dice Rules (1991). 1h 28m | NC-17

“the opening segment, which explains how andrew became u0026quot;the diceman,u0026quot; may be the most hilarious u0026amp; entertaining thing i have ever witnessed. clay showcases his little-seen acting ability u0026amp; shows a penchant for slapstick, physical humor. those who canu0026#39;t find the humor in this opening film must be spending a little too much time sniffing airplane glue. even if you arenu0026#39;t a fan of diceu0026#39;s stand-up shtick, i suggest that you rent u0026quot;dice rulesu0026quot; to get a better appreciation for his talents as a comedic actor. even though the concert portion (the sold-out show at madison square garden) isnu0026#39;t his best, itu0026#39;s still filled with classic dice moments that will bring a nostalgic tear to any true fanu0026#39;s eye. but iu0026#39;d pay top dollar for this movie just to hear the super-square andrew utter lines like: u0026quot;have you noticed how my savings have started to accrue?u0026quot; simply put, heu0026#39;s unbelievable.”


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