Dog Man (2025)
54KDog Man (2025). 1h 29m | PG
“Rating – 8.0:nOverall, heu0026#39;s a dog, but heu0026#39;s also a man.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eDirection – Pretty Good to Good:nThe direction on a macroscale is very true to the source material as it is very silly, goofy, and cartoonish; the direction on a microscale is very much similar to other kidsu0026#39; movies, but has some more mature jokes and an overall adorable feel that makes it enjoyable for adults too; the storytelling feels very similar to other Dave Pilkey properties with how silly and meta it isu003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eStory – Good:nThe concept is cinema because he is a dog but he is also a man; the plot structure is pretty linear and typical of other childrenu0026#39;s movies as they speed through the plot in less than ninety minutes; Character writing is amazing because he is very much a dog but he has qualities that also make him a manu003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eScreenplay – Good:nThe dialogue is very silly, goofy fun, as the movie is filled with puns and jokes that are adorable; the humor is so silly and goofy that it makes the movie adorableu003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eActing – Pretty Good:nPete Davidson – Pretty Good (Very goofy and silly, it feels like a PG version of Pete Davidson), Lil Rel Howery – Pretty Good (He has good chemistry with Dog Man and is good comedic relief), Isla Fisher – Decent to Pretty Good (Really, just a standard reporter character but has some funny silly moments), Ricky Gervais – Decent to Pretty Good (Really out of character for him, as a movie like this cannot utilize any of his comedic strengths but does a decent job), Rest of the cast – Decent to Pretty Good (Just a lot of silly, goofy performances that help make this movie what it is; I really respect them for making Dog Manu0026#39;s character just a dog because it made him more adorable)u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eScore – Decent:nPretty minimal, as it is more just about establishing the toneu003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eEditing – Good:nMakes it feel very much like other Dave Pilkey books, with these fast, cartoonish montages interwoven into the movieu003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eSound – Good:nMakes the movie feel very cartoonish and adorableu003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eAnimation – Very Good:nMakes the movie look and feel very true to the source material; this is exactly how I would want to see a Dave Pilkey property adapted on the big screenu003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003ePacing – Pacing is incredibly fast because the movie is less than 90 minutesu003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eClimax – Climax is a big action montage and I wouldnu0026#39;t have had it any other wayu003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eTone – The tone is very silly and goofy, which makes this an adorable childrenu0026#39;s movie.”