Casualties of Love: The Long Island Lolita Story (TV Movie 1993)

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Casualties of Love: The Long Island Lolita Story (TV Movie 1993). 1h 35m | PG-13

“A depressing tale of a middle-aged man and teen-aged girl who have an affair, presumably, after which the girl shoots the guyu0026#39;s wife in the head, so that the girl and the guy can get married, or at least live together, happily ever after. Itu0026#39;s based on the real events surrounding Aimee Fisher and Joey Buttafuco. Sheu0026#39;s played my Alyssa Milano, in probably her most demanding role, and the car mechanic is Jack Scalia. What a tawdry tale. A narcissistic pedophile and a spoiled pretty nymphomaniac. Lots of sex, intrigue, conflict, some violence, all rather disgusting, which is probably why three independent TV made-for movies about the case hit the TV screens at the same time. This one is definitely from Butaffucou0026#39;s point of view. The poor guy loves his wife and children (sob) and never touches this succulent nymphet. Fisher is plumply overdeveloped, more than simply enticing, bursting her seams, and sheu0026#39;s the aggressor and the liar in the tale. Buttafuco is the innocent victim. Right. No ex coke addicted, pumped up, self-admiring Italian philanderer would dream of laying a paw on this fawning young creature. Man, is he put upon. Our eyes water at the narrative. Aimee lies to her family and tells them that Joey gave her herpes. Then tries to murder his wife. And all this time heu0026#39;s nothing more than a cheerful, loving, family man and upright citizen, aghast at all the terrible things heu0026#39;s accused of. Did he fund this movie? The other two made-fors took quite different points of view, depending on who was backing the production and which particular participant in this disgusting tale was doing the endoresements. Utterly revolting garbage, which the public ate up. Alyssa Milano is a beautiful young woman. Anyone who wants to see her en deshabille should rent u0026quot;Kiss of the Vampireu0026quot; or whatever it was, far sexier, and less repugnant simply because it is more mindless. This movie actually has a point of view. It could have skipped the sleazy plot and just shown us Joey pumping iron in a gym and Aimee coupling in some strangeru0026#39;s back seat. An insult to the public viewer, who gobbled it down with relish.”


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