Shannon Matthews the Musical the Movie (2024)
65KShannon Matthews the Musical the Movie (2024). 1h 31m
“Having owned the Musical on CD for years and then being informed that it was to be made into a film, I couldnu0026#39;t contain my excitement. Was the anticipation worth it? Absolutely! The plot may seem ridiculous. You may be sat watching and thinking u0026quot;has this all come from Kuntu0026#39;s imagination?u0026quot; Nope. It all came from Karen Matthews, believe it or not. The storyline may sound daft, but the beauty of it is how Kunt and co have managed to write hilarious songs based on the story. The actors portraying the characters do a superb job also of bringing the story line to life with humor. Donu0026#39;t Wikipedia to find out what happened. Just watch this film…”