Cabal (2020)
65K Action Comedy Genre Horror Alexandra Fabbri Barry Massoni Brigette Jackson Candace Cannon Clementine Hetherington Denise Poole Donavan Peterson Eva Hamilton J.D. Angstadt John Ozuna Joseph Camilleri Joseph Donaldson Juan Manuel Olmedo Justin Donaldson Keely Dervin Kimberly Molina Linda Bott Michael Arnel Rene Perez Rodney Lee Johnson Shawn Payment Tony Jackson 2.5 2020 English Rene Perez United States
Cabal: Directed by Rene Perez. With J.D. Angstadt, Michael Arnel, Linda Bott, Joseph Camilleri. A military assassin is hired to hunt down and eliminate a bloodthirsty serial killer who is committing murders in a forbidden forest.
“Bad acting. Bad directing. Horrible soundtrack. Rene Perez should do one thing. Quit the film business. You are not a director. You are just a guy with some time on his hands with a breast fetish. Screw you for wasting my time.”