Piep*zyc Mickiewicza (2024)

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Piep*zyc Mickiewicza (2024). 1h 42m

“Long story short, the amount of dissapointment I felt after watching this movie escalates over the roof of Empire State Building. I have never in my life watched something so corny, cringe, and edge-like at the same time. The script is straight up taken from ,,Freedom Writersu0026quot;,but make it tasteless and appealing to clasless idiots. I have a rule- I never turn off any movie after deciding to watch it- so every minute and every scene I spiraled more into the abyss of abomination. The jokes were like 20 years old, and all of the comedy in this u0026quot;worku0026quot; is satirical portrayal of teenage polish low-lifes which made me want to throw up with cringeness.”


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