Stacy's Knights (1983)
35K Drama Andra Millian Cheryl Ferris David Brevick Don Hackstaff Ed Semenza Eve Lilith Frederick Hughes Garth Pillsbury Gary Tilles Jim Wilson John Brevick Kevin Costner Loyd Catlett Michael Blake Mike Reynolds Robert Conder Robin Landis Roge Roush Shashawnee Hall Steve Noonan 271983 4.6 English United States
Stacy's Knights (1983). 1h 40m | PG
“Pretty amateur effort at making a gambling movie. I recently watched the impressive Mollyu0026#39;s Game, also with Kevin Costner and he probably took that job to compensate for this earlier turkey. The copy I watched on Amazon was grainy with a very poor leading lady in Andra Millian who may have got better later in her career, I donu0026#39;t know, I wasnu0026#39;t at all familiar with her work but sheu0026#39;s the opposite of Kevin Costner, her co-star here, who was a superstar within a few years. Costner is the only reason to watch it although the story isnu0026#39;t actually that bad, just the overall feel that itu0026#39;s amateur.”