White Nanny Black Child (2023)

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White Nanny Black Child (2023). 1h 10m

“This was a wonderful and moving documentary about fostered children coming together to share their experiences of their Nigerian heritage but British upbringings. Everyone one of the participants had a moving story to tell. I particularly loved how supportive and nurturing the group was, so that though at times the stories were unbearably sad, it was also uplifting because of the genuine care from the group. Many of them found much love and support from their foster parents and this was enlightening, it was surprising to hear how difficult it was for some to find an identity, feeling neither British nor Nigerian. We take our identities for granted and I found it sad to think how damaging it is not to be certain of one. I wished that the documentary could have been longer so that we could have discovered more about each one of them.”


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