Puppetry of the Penis: Live at the Forum (Video 2001)

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Puppetry of the Penis: Live at the Forum (Video 2001). 52m

“I guess, having read the title of this comment, you might be thinking Iu0026#39;m some sort of prudish, frustrated spinster who couldnu0026#39;t get into a convent. Iu0026#39;m NOT! (After all, the DVD title attracted me in the first place didnu0026#39;t it!) u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eI enjoy a good joke as much as any guy but this simply isnu0026#39;t funny. Whatu0026#39;s more though, it isnu0026#39;t particularly clever either. As Lord of The Lake has already written, what these two morons do in front of a theatre audience is what we did as very immature kids. It was pathetic then – but then that is, I guess, part of growing up! These guys obviously havenu0026#39;t yet completed that process! Perhaps they get some sort of personal thrill from doing their ridiculous act in front of grown women who would smack their kids if they caught them doing the same. Yet, when someone tells them its u0026quot;entertainmentu0026quot;, they nervously giggle whilst their stupid menfolk laugh.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eAs far as Iu0026#39;m concerned, the worst bit is that itu0026#39;s Australian! I have always thought American humour was pretty unsubtle and in-your-face, but this is nothing short of pathetically insulting. The audience seemed to be genuinely amused and I wondered if this is just a Melbourne phenomenon – yet Melburnians always seem to want their city to be considered as the u0026quot;culturalu0026quot; epicenter of Australia. If Puppetry of the Penis had emanated from Sydney, I would probably have accepted it as typical of that sleazy city. (I guess, by now, readers have realised Iu0026#39;m neither Victorian or from New South Wales! After watching this DVD, Iu0026#39;m glad!) u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eHowever, letu0026#39;s try to be a little bit objective here. IMDb ratings are world-wide and this gets 6.1. Therefore, Iu0026#39;m seriously considering hiring a private detective (no pun intended) to see if he can find my sense of humour because it was certainly absent when I subjected myself to this garbage.”


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