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Pups (1999). 1h 39m | R

“Why oh why did someone have to recommend American Beauty. That would be hinting that American Beauty and this movie had something in common. American Beauty was a beautiful piece of cinematic work. This movie was a piece of trash written by an angry 13 year old that never should have made it to filmu003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eThe u0026quot;movie,u0026quot; if that is what you call it mainly consists of 2 kids, waving guns around, and saying u0026quot;f**ku0026quot; repeatedly. I take it that we are in turn supposed to feel their pain because they come from broken homes. This movie gets no sympathy out of me. The only sympathy is have is for the people that watched this movie and will never get those precious hours of their lives back.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eThe notion that two kids could rob a bank is completely preposterous. The scenes were downright unbelievable. Especially the scene where Rocky goes outside and waves her gun around at the cops and media. In any real situation she would have been shot as soon as she took the gun out. u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003enThe movie plays out almost like a documentary. The sound quality is horrible, I donu0026#39;t remember hearing any music, and the scenes donu0026#39;t even fit together in any kind of order. One minute they are screaming at people outside. The MTV appearance was just plain wrong and didnu0026#39;t help the situation at all. And Rocky getting her period just added more confusion to an already too confused movie. u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eThe acting was atrocious. I thought that Misha Barton was going places after seeing her in Lawn Dogs. But watching her in this movie washed all of those good feeling that I had about her. It was as if she had no acting experience at all. I swear if she moved her arms one more time I would have screamed. And when she is trying to be dramatic talking about her father molesting her, it pointed it out even more. u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eI should have turned the movie off as soon as the boy came on talking about u0026quot;f**king the dog.u0026quot; So I guess it is my fault for putting myself in that sort of situation. Donu0026#39;t make the same mistake that I did.”


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