I Am: Celine Dion (2024)

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I Am: Celine Dion (2024). 1h 43m | PG

“I think about nature and how much she just gifts us with so much beauty without asking for much in return. Celine Dion is Mother Nature manifested in song. What brilliance , what talent, what a gift to us all. I have listened to Celine since I was 8. I was a lil kid in the slums of Africa and we were so apart yet so close. I first learnt my love vocabulary from Celine. She got me through my first heartbreak, my first love and on my wedding night we sang her songs for ours. It breaks my heart that she feels she owes her fans anything when in fact it is she who has given us life itself , hope itself and love in its purest form. You owe us nothing Celine, we owe you everything. It was very hard to watch you struggle , it felt unfair , it felt cruel. I am so sorry. I love you.”


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