Flight 404 (2024)

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Flight 404 (2024). 1h 44m

“Such a great movie about redemption, and reviews the strength of a womanu0026#39;s stamina doing what she believes even when the whole world is not helping, also reviews how humans arenu0026#39;t completely stable, they want something they say another they do a totally different thing, an amaaazing performance from mona zaki, delivered all the feelings smoothly, exactly the way that anyone would feel in her situation, why we felt so connected with the movie, sheu0026#39;s just like us, sheu0026#39;s strong at some point, sheu0026#39;s weak at another, sheu0026#39;s somewhere between at another, an absolute Oscar worthy performance, also great performance from all supporting actors, a massive credit for hani khalifa as he tells the story so smooth yet indirect knowing his movie is made for an adult audience, overall i wish this movie will be translated into asmany language as possible so the whole world can know who mona zaki is, the most talented arab actress nowadays.”


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