Keep 'Em Flying (1941)
23K Action Adventure Comedy Genre Arthur Lubin Bess Flowers Bud Abbott Carol Bruce Charles Lang Dick Foran Dorothy Darrell Freddie Slack Harold Daniels John Grant Loring Smith Lou Costello Martha Raye Marvin Bailey Nat Perrin Ralph Ceder Richard Crane The Six Hits True Boardman Truman Bradley Vince Degen Virginia Engels William B. Davidson William Forrest William Gargan 6.8 Arthur Lubin English United States
Keep ‘Em Flying: Directed by Arthur Lubin, Ralph Ceder. With Bud Abbott, Lou Costello, Martha Raye, Carol Bruce. When a barnstorming stunt pilot joins the Air Corps, his two goofball assistants decide to go with him.
“KEEP u0026#39;EM FLYING (1941) *** Bud Abbott, Lou Costello, Martha Raye. One of Au0026amp;Cu0026#39;s very best: the boys as bumbling airfield jockeys and Raye as their identical twin girlfriends. Very funny bits including the first encounter with Raye(s) and the air finale.”